Right off the bat, let me say my overall review of the Smittybilt XRC Fender Armor is pure joy. I absolutely love the Smittybilt XRC Fender Armor, however, I definitely recommend getting a shop to put the fenders on only because with 3 people it took 8 hours to put the front fenders on, and we knew what we were doing. That being said, before I did any installing, the fenders were sent out to have them powder coated. That took about 4 days for them to powder coat the fenders and return them to me.
For the rear fenders I took to Troys Off road, only because the rear ones were supposed to be even harder to put on. It only took a couple hours for the shop to put the rear ones on. I never saw what the product looked like before powder coating. However, one thing I learned was Smittybilt doesn’t make the right and left to look identical, by that I mean one will fit differently than the other.

I still love the overall look of the fenders, and I receive a lot of compliments. Another benefit of this product is it kinda give off the effect that you have a bigger lift than you actually do. Someone asked me if I had a 6 inch lift but I only have a 4 inch lift. Overall, a great product which I was able to purchase at 4 Wheel Parts, only because after researching I found they were the cheapest people to sell them near me.