ExtremeTerrain.com’s (XT) definitive guide to Jeep Wrangler wheels recently received updates to improve user experience and overall page quality. This Wrangler technical guide is the most authoritative online guide on Jeep wheels, available to all Jeep enthusiasts with access to the world-wide web.
In a mission to inform Jeepers everywhere, the experts at XT have revamped their guide, adding more on-page assets to enhance visitors’ overall experience. A video player has been incorporated, including several wheel and tire combination videos for JL Wranglers. Additionally, a new tire infographic has been produced, detailing the visual differences of a Mud Terrain tire VS an All-Terrain tire.

There are all kinds of modifications out there you can add to your Jeep if you are looking to take the vehicle off-road. Things that lift, things that add strength and protection, as well as things that can help you, or a friend, recover from mistakes.
And while all that stuff is great to have, perhaps the best mod you can do is something you can’t even see and is lighter than anything else you may put on the vehicle. Air! So, in addition to knowing which tires are best, it is equally important to understand How to Air Down Your Tires for those off-road adventures.